“REPORT AND COMMUNICATE” is 2-week workshop event hosted at Luvina’s Hanoi Office. The event has attracted a huge participation of the company’s departments and personnel.
Submitting working report is one of the major tasks that each Luvina-er has to perform at the beginning and the end of their workday. Regular work reports will improve the initiative of each employee, raise their awareness of being responsible for their own tasks, which ensures boosting their performance.
During the event, participants were not only trained in new practical skills and knowledge, but they could interact with the speaker by submitting questions, which brought an exciting atmosphere to the workshop.
Mr. M.O, speaker of the event, has shared his experience and instruction on how to write the most correct and detailed report. Participants had the opportunity to discuss directly with the speaker, as well as raise their questions regarding difficulties in their daily tasks.
We would like to specially thank Mr M.O for accepting our invitation to share his valuable knowledge and experience to all of the employees of Luvina Software Co., Ltd, and thank all of the guests from all departments and projects of the company for attending the workshop.